A veil lifts, a shimmering portal parts. The senses intensify, overwhelmed by celestial brilliance. One observes into realms unimaginable, where time melts and the material world fades away. Here, souls glide in a symphony of light, their voices mingling in ethereal chants. The Third Heaven is not a place of the mind; it is an revelation that touc… Read More

Our inner journey often begins with a yearning for somethinghigher. This quiet hunger can lead us on a circuitous road to uncover the eternal presence of God. It's a transformative experience that invites us to reflect our place in the universe of things. This pilgrimage is unique to each spirit, but persistent themes manifest. By means of conte… Read More

Sreeja embarked in a creative journey at a young age. Her passion for art was clear from the onset. She shared herself through vibrant drawings, often depicting her world with stunning detail. Sreeja's creative spirit grew as she explored different forms, always expanding her boundaries. Her| works have been exhibited in national venues, garne… Read More